Wild Fiction

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‘I don’t know,’ the author replied. ‘She isn’t who I thought she was. She isn’t what I thought I’d created. It’s all a terrible mistake. I don’t know what to say, I don’t know what to do.’
A tear appeared on the author’s cheek and the maître d’ put down the receiver and opened his mouth to speak. The sound of screeching of tyres outside made him close his mouth. A bright red Jaguar XKR convertible skidded to a stop outside the restaurant. In the driver’s seat, grinning like a maniac, was Rebecca.
‘Come on lover boy,’ she shouted through the swinging door. ‘We have a whole story ahead of us and it isn’t going to happen in this boring restaurant with that stuffy penguin.’
The author rushed the entrance. Rebecca had already pushed the passenger door open and he flung himself in. She floored the accelerator pinning him to the back of the seat.
The Jaguar took off down the Fulham Road like a rocket. Pedestrians idly wandering across the road scattered and ran back to the pavements.
‘Watch out,’ yelled the author. ‘The light’s turning red.’
The car surged on his warning and they shot through the red light forcing three Japanese men in suits to jump back from the crossing they were about to make. A wail of sirens came from behind them.
‘Shit,’ Rebecca said turning the car left down a side street, then quickly right, and left again. With a sudden lurch, she swung the Jaguar into a gabled mews and reversed into a corner behind the wall, killing the engine before the car stopped moving. The sound of the sirens reached a crescendo as their pursuers passed on the other side of the wall and disappeared, now chasing a phantom.
Rebecca put her hand on the ignition but the author reached over gently pulled her arm back. It was the first time they had touched and it electrified him. He felt butterflies take off in his stomach and his tongue became a potato in his mouth as he tried to speak.
‘Enough,’ he said. ‘You’ll get us killed.’
‘I can’t die,’ she replied with a smile. ‘Remember, I’m the main character in this story. If I die then the story ends.’

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